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Youth Athletic Program


Power of Sports

This project was created with the aim to teach the youngest age groups(12 and under) the absolute basics of health while keeping them engaged with fun activities. We will provide organized games that will introduce rules and teamwork.For the mature age group(13 and over) our goal will be to introduce a variety of team based sports in hopes to create a friendly and competitive environment for the athletes to learn and enjoy.


We will teach them rules and skills of each game as well as drills they can do to improve on their own. We will also speak on the importance of nutrition, exercise, warm ups, stretching, and recovery. Along with the physical education provided, there will be a mentorship program instilled at the beginning of each session, highlighting important values which are applicable to sport and life alike.


A core group of leaders from the older adolescent group will be given the task to learn and eventually teach the set programs designed for the youngest age groups. The program will be refined and retaught to up and coming leaders in the community, thus closing the cycle and making it a fully sustainable endeavor.


Youth Program

Our Impact

Who We Served: The YAP(Youth Athletic Program) is targeted towards adolescent groups ages 13 and over, but is open to anyone willing to participate in the training and competitions. The physical education program will cater to the students of the Espoir school primarily ages 12 and under. The coaching staff consists of a PUSO team spearheaded by co-founder Edlen Hernandez, but is always open to any volunteers that wish to be involved for any period of time.

When It Took Place: The first phase of the program began in August with planning and preparation of the designated land selected to house the sports field. The community sports day is the official launch day occurring on September 6 and will continue through the end of October.

Where It Took Place:  Our initial launch of YAP will be Siargao Island Philippines. Specifically, the Espoir community and school as well as surrounding residents in Barangay Lobogon, Surigao Del Norte

What We Did:  The PUSO Foundation’s Youth Athletic Program is our very first ongoing and sustainable project. Our initiative aims to provide physical education, sports, necessary equipment, coaching, and any necessary equipment to designated communities and institutions. Our first endeavour is in partnership with the Espoir NGO community and the Espoir primary school.


Sustainable Projects For the Island

About Us

The P.U.S.O. Foundation is an international 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, established in March 2017 and registered in January 2018 in the state of Virginia.

Puso is a Tagalog (Filipino) word that directly translates to “heart” in English. However, it has a more powerful and personal meaning for this organization – P.U.S.O. is an acronym for the Purposeful Unconditional Service to Others.

Since its inception, the P.U.S.O. Foundation has delivered on its mission to provide hope with a purpose by serving over 450,000 lives around the globe, thanks to the support and involvement of local and global volunteers, students and alumni of the College Outreach Program, and various corporate sponsors.

"Our love for others is our grateful response to the love God first demonstrated to us." - 1 John 4:19

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