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Miracle Baby


Do you believe in miracles?
On September 11, 2006, William was suddenly born at 26 weeks weighing only 1lb-14 oz. He was immediately diagnosed with cerebral palsy.
Doctors promised his parents he would die within a week. Thirty surgeries and 12 years later, William is a light - shining on the world around him. He’s extremely bright, energetic, and witty.
After losing his long time dog and best friend Zeke back in 2018, a large hole was placed in William's life. We decided use the money raised from our 2019 "Devotion and Motion" to surprise William with a brand new puppy named "Curry" for the 2019 Holidays! Check out the surprise below!

William Yancy Documentary

Our Impact

Who We Served: William Yancey

When It Took Place: December 25, 2019

Where It Took Place: Virginia Beach, Virginia

What We Did: Surprised William with a brand new puppy for Christmas!

Who is your hero?

About Us

The P.U.S.O. Foundation is an international 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, established in March 2017 and registered in January 2018 in the state of Virginia.

Puso is a Tagalog (Filipino) word that directly translates to “heart” in English. However, it has a more powerful and personal meaning for this organization – P.U.S.O. is an acronym for the Purposeful Unconditional Service to Others.

Since its inception, the P.U.S.O. Foundation has delivered on its mission to provide hope with a purpose by serving over 450,000 lives around the globe, thanks to the support and involvement of local and global volunteers, students and alumni of the College Outreach Program, and various corporate sponsors.

"Our love for others is our grateful response to the love God first demonstrated to us." - 1 John 4:19

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